Hi folks, Ben here; We are having a pretty good xmas in the restaurant with probably more people coming than we expected.
We know we are not able to put on a proper Xmas themed event like Trevenna Cross do each year -to their very great credit -because we are simply not developed enough yet.
So for now, we have a great festive pancake menu, with the Turkey Crepe being by far the most popular (with me too!) and we are selling loads of Gift Vouchers which make brilliant presents. All you need to do is drop by and collect them at the till point.
In addition, we have a table full of Xmas gifts to buy from various local crafts people, and we are selling their products completely free of any commission to us. These are selling very well too. Outside Lia has now discounted her Xmas trees, both the rooted ones in the pots, and the cut trees, both of which are competitively priced alongside all local providers.
Next year, as eluded to, we will do more still, and the year after, we expect to be in a position to put on a proper Xmas fare - smaller than Trevennas, but it should also be alot of fun and will be somewhere else to take the kids to see Santa, which we are short of in Cornwall, I am sure you will agree.
A big part of our development will be overhead cover, and we finished putting up 2 gazebos just last week, and will soon be connecting heating, lighting and music to them. These things allow comfortable outdoor seating in more weathers, and this will allow us to do more.
I am now working on the kids party room too. A dedicated function room for kids parties only (right next to the playpark), so we can leave it decorated, making it easy for parents to finish it off with personalised decorations within minutes, rather than hours. It will seat 18 kids, will have the all important toileting facilities in a rear room, and being fully detached from the main restaurant, you can all go crazy without anyone hearing! You can book this room from now for any parties from the 1st March onwards. There will be no charge at all for the party room, just for the pancakes which i believe are £6.50 per person for a "build your own" pancake. You also get to feed the goats and chickens and to use the facility for as long as you like. PM us to book.
More to come on free parties for disadvantaged kids, which we will be introducing shortly and will provide some kind of foundation for you or businesses to donate free parties to. Like I say, details to follow......
It's becoming very exciting for us what is happening to the place. The Pancake Barn is now a fully self sustaining 7 day a week restaurant even in the deepest of winter time, and there are few restaurants that can do this in Cornwall, and with the extra facilities coming on line soon, we will surely only get busier each winter from here onwards.
The next stages are disabled toilets within a new toilet block, and disabled access pathways connecting everywhere important at the venue. Planning allowing, all these things should be done within 18 months of now, along with some other ideas too.
Whatever we do though, and whatever we have already done, materials are always locally sourced and/or reclaimed, and any increased energy needs will be matched with increased solar panels.
We are not perfect, but we consider every action and purchase before doing anything, to ensure it is reasonable within the climate and environmental emergency we find ourselves in.
Of course right now, it is very easy to forget all that with the new Omicron variant of Covid now spreading. I know the chances are you are already all over this issue, but just in case not, there has been lots of findings in the last few days that the booster jab is needed to have any decent levels of protection.
In particular, if you have had 2 x Astra Zeneca jabs over 6 months ago, they will provide almost zero protection, yet the booster brings you up to around 75% (source of all this is radio 4 a couple of hours ago!) So if over 40 you should book from the NHS website online or by phone, but be sure to do so quickly. Nobody will be able to avoid infection from the new variant, it is simply too transmissible, so unless you fancy taking part in the equivalent of a gruesome Xmas raffle of whether you happen to be genetically predisposed to struggle against Covid or not - something you cannot know - then go get the booster, or book your first jab.
Fortunately the kids haven't a clue about all this stuff, so enjoy going to see Santa, and try to drop in and maybe pick up a gift voucher, or try our gorgeous Turkey pancake which has stuffing and pigs in blankets within, topped with Cranberry sauce and gravy - yummy indeed!!